The picture you see above is a devotee manifesting in a Shakti mandhir in Trinidad and she is taking an "oath", which is her putting a lit camphor on her tongue and then extinguishing it with her saliva. Trance is an important phenomenon that occurs in some forms of worship. This phenomenon essentially enables the deity to possess the body of a human, who then goes on to display physical traits of the deity. This is usually done at major festivals or prayers, and is considered to be a clear sign of the physical presence or blessing of the deity. Some practitioners willingly invoke the deity into their bodies, while for others it happens without their control. Trance is also used as a platform for devotees to communicate with the deity and vice versa, to provide solutions and advises for a multitude of topics. Trance is a state of altered consciousness where an individual experiences a deep connection with the divine or spiritual realm. During this state, the deity is believed to possess the body of the devotee, who then displays physical traits, mannerisms, and behaviors associated with the deity.
Trance possession is often observed during major festivals, rituals, or prayers when the energy and devotion are heightened. It is considered a significant sign of the physical presence or blessing of the deity. Some practitioners willingly invoke the deity into their bodies through specific practices like meditation, chanting, or ritualistic preparations. For others, trance possession occurs spontaneously, without their conscious control.
In the state of trance, the possessed individual becomes a channel for communication between the devotees and the deity. It is believed that the deity can provide solutions, guidance, and advice on a wide range of topics through the possessed person. Devotees may seek blessings, ask for advice, or receive divine messages through this interaction. Trance possession is seen as a sacred and transformative experience, allowing devotees to have a direct and intimate connection with the deity. It is believed to facilitate a deeper understanding of the divine and spiritual realms, and it can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and enlightenment.
It is important to note that trance possession practices can vary in different cultural and religious contexts, and the specific rituals and beliefs associated with trance may differ among different Shakti traditions and regions. Manifestation is a phenomenon observed in certain forms of Shaktism and other ecstatic spiritual traditions. It involves the reception of divine energy or Shakti, which then manifests in the individual's behavior and actions.
During this ecstatic trance state, the individual may exhibit intense emotions, heightened energy, and unusual physical behaviors. They may display ferocious or intense movements, vocalizations, or gestures, often associated with the power and presence of the deity.
It's important to note that these manifestations are deeply rooted in cultural and religious beliefs, and they are seen as actions that imply that the deity is within and may also tell the pujari or pundit (priest or knowledgable one) that the deva or devi is within them. The piercing of cheeks, cutting of tongues, or placing lit camphor on the tongue are extreme practices that some devi or deva may undertake as a form of showing that they are truly manifesting and that the person is not just lying.
Such practices are typically carried out under strict supervision and within a specific religious and ritual context. They are not universal across all Shakti traditions and they should be understood within their cultural and religious contexts. It is essential to respect and approach these practices with sensitivity, as they may be unfamiliar or unconventional to individuals from other cultural or religious backgrounds.
It's worth noting that the level of intensity and physical practices associated with manifestations can vary among different groups and individuals. Devotees may have personal reasons and motivations for engaging in these practices, which are often deeply tied to their spiritual beliefs and experiences. I must note that when someone manifests and does these acts, they do not feel anything since they are not presently there in the moment, they are in a sleep-like state and the god is taking over, and they dont remember it either. These manifestations are said to help the devotees get closer to the divine and are fundamental and act as a therapy of some sort for the devotees to be able to tell all their problems to a Devi or Deva they know for a fact exists.