Parameshwari, also known as Angalamman or known as Dee Mata/Sairee Devi among Hindi-speakers, is a manifestation of Goddess Parvati. This manifestation of Mother Goddess is more popular in South India. This is a fierce form of Goddess Shakti and she is also a guardian deity in many villages. According to Caribbean Shaktism, she is the wife of Dee Baba (or in some places, Sangili Karuppar). Do remember, Dee baba is of North Indian origins but was syncretized within Caribbean Shaktism to Sangili Karuppar, so there really isn't a big difference. Some communities also consider Parameshwari a form of Baigalamman/Kateriamman, but its actually reversed, Baigalamman is a form of Parameshwari. In Trinidad, Parameshwari is a name given to the goddess Varahi since Varahi is considered a form of Angalamman.
It is stated that Goddess Parvati took the form of Angala Amman to help Shiva rid of the Kapala that was following Him after He cut off the fifth head of Brahma.
Story Of Angalamman Parameshwari
Legend has it that Shiva took the form of Bhairava and cut off the fifth head of Brahma for being arrogant about His creation. Brahma had no remorse about the suffering that living beings had on earth.
But soon Shiva felt remorse and for redemption of the sin, Brahma asked Shiva to become a wandering ascetic (Bhikshatana) and beg for food in a skull.
As per the story of Angalamman, the fifth head started following Shiva. The head made his home in the arm of Shiva and started eating whatever Shiva received from begging.
Goddess Parvati decided to put an end to the Kapala. On advice of Vishnu, she prepared food for Shiva at Thandakarunyam Tirth near Angikula Tirtham. Shiva came to eat the food. Goddess Parvati intentionally scattered food around the place and Kapala came down to eat them leaving the hand of Shiva. Goddess Parvati ceased this opportunity and took the fierce form of Angalamman and stamped down the Kapala using her right leg.

Bahuchara Mata, a Gujarati form of Durga, is often syncretized with Parameshwari in Caribbean Shaktism, but it is important to note they are not the same.
The most famous temple dedicated to Angalamman is the Sri Angala Parameswari Temple at Melmalayanur in Gingee Taluk in Villupuram District in Tamil Nadu.
Offerings to Parameshwari:
Lapsi and Puri
Hogs and Chickens (the heads are to be washed with dhaar and rum and put by her altar)
Sweet Rice Pongal w/ peeled green banana on top marked with three dots of sindoor and haldi
Neem leaves
Limes (in garlands, lamps, or pierced onto an aruval and put by the altar)
Dhaar (grounded camphor, clove, dhoob grass, sindoor, sugar, rice flour, topped with a Hibiscus flower and neem stem)
Arali flowers (Oleander)
Curries with spicy flavors that contain tamasic ingredients
Nine paan leaves each topped with a camphor, a hibiscus flower, and cloves
Rum and cigarettes
The typical offerings for all gods: Akshata, sweets, fruits, incense, and sindoor